It's beginning to feel like Christmas!
I'm slowly getting into the Christmas spirit. We've gotten some pretty flippin' cold and snowy weather lately... which I love (at least for short jaunts in the outdoors, and looking out windows). Finally set up a little Christmas tree a couple days ago:

It's a little tinsel tree (a sort of more-green-then-blue teal colour), with a little string of lights and a couple ornaments my mom sent me. And we've also put up a little string of lights on our balcony. I need to get one more present for my boyfriend, and then shopping will be done. We're going to exchange presents either today or tomorrow (we're leaving to spend christmas with my parents and it seems silly to cart the gifts for each other all the way there - on the bus - and then all the way back again) so I need to get on that.
While I'm out today I do believe I'll try and pick up a cookie cutter and ingredients for ginger bread men.
I think the only thing standing in the way of a carefree christmas spirit is my lack of co-op. Whatever my problem is, I'm having trouble looking. I'm supposed to have it for January... at this rate I'll likely get it late and have to try and get a butt-load of overtime so I can get the hours I need by the date marks need to be in. I can do it. I think.
Merry Early Christmas!
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