My insatiable desire to knit project upon project must mean that somewhere out there is a very, very Scared Sheep (or really any fibre-for-yarn giving creature/plant). This blog is mainly about knitting, and a sprinkling of my various adventures in life.

Friday, November 04, 2005

The righting of my world

Good evening!
Sleepy... In a warm and fuzzy way, not in the grumpy must-stay-up-just-a-little-longer-to-finish-storyboards kind of way. I've got storyboards for one entire production done! 130someodd shots baby! Yeah! One more biggie (100 or so) and then a nice little 35 shot project to go! I've finally been getting my ass together and am searching for my co-op. It's supposed to run 11 weeks and start in January, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I land something related to writing for children's television. That's all the stuff that was stressing me out, but now I'm acting on my co-op, and have organized (and am making headway on) my projects!

Not so much headway on the besotted scarf - but I'm almost done a punky scarf for my cousin Erika for Christmas!

As my camera batteries charge, I leave you with a picture I took in the summer at the CNE. It feels so bright and fun and somehow behind-the-scenes and.... a little bit blurry, lol.



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