My insatiable desire to knit project upon project must mean that somewhere out there is a very, very Scared Sheep (or really any fibre-for-yarn giving creature/plant). This blog is mainly about knitting, and a sprinkling of my various adventures in life.

Sunday, October 16, 2005



New look to my blog... I'm going to be slowly customizing more and more... improving picture quality... basically try to create a blog I'm proud of. I don't like half-assing work, so why should I half-ass play?

Here's a neat trick I might try next time I'm procrastinating: Procrastination Hack Link found courtesty of Lifehacker

FINISHED Jim's scarf. I have some pictures of it blocking... all soggy on my bed... (hope it's dry by the time I go to sleep! I was considerate enough to do the blocking on my half of the bed - my boyfriend's so lucky) but those arn't cool pictures. With any luck, tomorrow I shall extract from Jim the Price Of The Gift... a model shot! Hopefully he'll cooperate.

**And He DID!***

Well... you can see the backside of it around his neck there - pretty good - I really loved the finished scarf, much more then I "enjoyed" making it. Jim seems quite pleased with it!


Started a besotted scarf, a christmas gift for my mom.

Didn't go to the Creative Sewing and Needlework Festival. Spent the day with a friend - who was totally willing to go with me, but due to timing issues, we went shopping instead.


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