Wrapping up 2005
Well, we're a few days into the new year now. No magical transition to a fresh new life. But that's ok. My old one may need a little mending, but it suits me just fine. And I admit, I have already been presented with some interesting possible job-related opportunities (more on this when I'm more sure of things - after rambling semi-coherently to my mom about it, I'm reluctant to share with the world for fear of jinxing things).
So here! To distract all of my 0 readers (oh I know... I have a webcounter now... this blog is about as unread as a diary at the moment) from wondering what the excitement is about - LOOK! COOKIES!

yummy gingerbread
Baked these up in Toronto just before packing up and heading to my mom's for Christmas. Iced them up there with the help of my boyfriend and my very best old highschool friend. My first attempt at gingerbread was fairly successful I'd say! (Man, that's some sticky batter though)
And here, just to boast:

Average sized Godzilla DVD for scale
That would be allllll my christmas (AND boyfriend's hanukah) decorations packed up together in one tiny little cardboard box, +little tree beside. I'm sure one day I'll look back on this and laugh, longingly.
(ps... something weird is happening at the moment with my sidebar... I haven't been fiddling with the code lately, so I'm just going to ignor it and hope blogger is up to something, and it's back to normal soon)
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