On Set!
Check this out:

My first non-student shoot!
This weekend I got invited to script supervise for the pilot episode of a kid's show! I'm not sure how much I can say about the show itself, but I'm bursting to share my experience!
First off, wow, they really only touched on what a script supervisor does while I was in school. There's a lot of paperwork, and you've really got to pay attention to everything. That said, I got to sit in a chair next to the director! I got to have my nose in everything! Everyone was super friendly and helpful! I was so scared when I arrived saturday morning, but long before lunch, I felt pretty comfortable.
This particular episode will only, as far as I understand, be used for pitching. It's a not-for-broadcast episode that will never see t.v. *sigh* But it was a ton of fun, and SUCH a huge confidence booster. Everyone seemed to think I did a good job - I certainly feel like I did one. I still don't have a co-op, but a lot of people have said they'll put a good word in with so-and-so. Maybe something will come of it.
I'm frustraited with my co-op teacher. I guess she's trying her hardest (which is admittedly harder then I've been trying), but the latest job offer she sent me was a computer tech support thing. It didn't really have anything to do with film or television, aside from the company that was hiring. She keeps coming up with offers of office PA things. I just feel kinda swindled or something... why did I pay soooo much money for film school if I'm going to end up being a secretary or receptionist? Oh well, at this point I guess I need to just take whatever comes along so I can be finished my co-op hours in time to graduate and get my silly diploma.
That's sad. You know what's happy though?
I've gotten a good way into a baby sweater for a cousin of mine who's expecting. The baby's due in February (the 14th in fact!), and at this rate, the sweater will be done no problem. Another cousin of mine is also expecting (it's baby time!), and I can't remember when they're due... march I think, so I'll have to get started another sweater soon. Also on the baby front, a highschool friend is expecting and I want to make this chicken viking hat. Sure, I wasn't super close with her in highschool, and barely talk with her now, but who can pass up an opportunity to knit this? Especially when you know the recipient will dig it.
Ok, time to play with some code and fix the sudden ugliness of my blog!
***Update: Maybe fixed... sometimes I look at it it's fine, other times my text is all strangely centered and the bar on the right is stretched out.... I think it's fixed though *fingers crossed*
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