Perfectly Pink
Feeling a bit guilty for all the times I've gone to the boyfriend's family's dinners and events without bringing anything, I asked his grandmother what I could add to their Passover dinner. The answer: Strawberry Mousse! She gave me the recipie, and declaired that it was a lovely, light dessert to follow a heavy meal.
After pureeing the strawberries and sugar, then adding it to a mix of beaten egg whites, lemon juice, and more sugar, I looked skeptically at the mixing bowl. "Do you think I should make a double batch?" I ask the boyfriend. Beat until mixture doubles in volume... here goes....

This was awsome fun to make... and the fantastic pink pouffyness of it all was extremely exciting! I think it would be just the thing to make while hostessing a gathering of little girls, or babysitting, or a tea party... Although the 24 hour freezing time might try the patience of anyone (even unfrozen, it was delicious.... I had to sample a little!). This frozen dish certainly turned out delish, and I recieved many compliments, and a recipie-request. Success!
On the knitting front... I've made a lot of progress on the baby sweater. At the 6-month size (I wasn't anticipating feeling in such a knitterly mood), it's the biggest sweater I've worked on yet! At this rate, it won't take me longer then just one more week to finish... although I'm kind of hoping I don't find myself with quite that much time on my hands!
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