My insatiable desire to knit project upon project must mean that somewhere out there is a very, very Scared Sheep (or really any fibre-for-yarn giving creature/plant). This blog is mainly about knitting, and a sprinkling of my various adventures in life.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Two posts, one day!

Will miracles never cease?

In a space of four hours, I went to never having heard of --not saying the name, I dunno why.... all my 0 readers might hunt me down-- (and having a phone, with them on the other end, thrust into my hands) to being "employed" by them. I put employed in quotes because I'm not sure if being an intern counts as genuine employment, but I can still taste sweet victory. It looks to be more of an office PA job, which I was trying to avoid, but it looks fun, and high energy, and hectic. If I hate it, it looks like I'll be kept busy enough that time will at least go by quickly (but I really doubt I'll hate it!). Holy Crap. I start tomorrow morning.

Full time, monday to friday co-op (unpaid, as per my program's guidlines). My weekends will be free for working a paying part time job (now that I have a co-op, I can look for one of them). The necessary part time job will help stem my rapidly depleting funds, and keep me living in my apartment.

Looks like much less knitting time in my future. Geeze, I never thought I missed my 45 minute commute to school! (I know, 45 minutes is not a big commute, and I'm really not complaining about it, I didn't mind it horribly).

Oh! And on another note: two different security people in my building have now asked if my boyfriend is my brother. What's up with that??? Guys in wheelchairs don't have girlfriends? Maybe we ought to start making out in the lobby or something. And when I smiled sweetly and responded that no, he's my boyfriend, the security guy called me a "very special lady". I know he was being nice (and nosy), but that didn't sit well with me. I just kinda giggled and blushed and made my awkward exit, hoping the elevator would come quickly and whisk me away to my little home. And my hot boyfriend, to tell him about my co-op.

I better be careful. People might start thinking I'm a grown-up or something. Uh-huh.


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