Trying to pick up the pace!
Ok!! I've been trying to get out and DO more! The nearing end of winter has got me anxious to get moving. I've started up some spring cleaning. I'm clearing out some old clothes from my closet (going to donate them to a place down the street - maybe pick up some "new" additions to my wardrobe there too... maybe), trying to send out some belated emails, booking some "creativity time" to sit down and write, all that sort of thing. This feels more like a time of resolutions then January. I'm itching for summer, so much so that I plan on buying a bathing suit and looking in to public pools nearby so I can swim! That's always been one of my favorite activities and I haven't done nearly enough of it this past year.
The little baby I knit that sweater for a little while ago was born - day before Valentines. Poor girl is going to be getting pink hearts and chocolate birthday gifts for a loooong time to come! Another baby is on its way to another cousin of mine. The only thing standing in the way of their baby sweater is a lack of the proper size needles for the new pattern I want to try.
Another thing that has me in the mood for spring... A couple trips to a greenhouse just a few subways stops away. Look at the beauty virtually in my backyard:

On another bright note: the college strike thing isn't affecting me in the slightest. I can continue my co-op as normal, submit my projects as normal (it might take a little longer for them to be graded).... that's about it. Knock on wood that doesn't change. For those who arn't so lucky (including some of my family and friends), I hope this thing ends soon!
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