Recent Events
Well, I've been trying to be busy and productive this year and I think I've been succeeding.
I've been going to the fitness room in my building more regularly, I've been knitting a little more often, I've taken up a new hobby (sewing), and I'm trying to make a point of practising my driving (gotta get that final, full license before mine expires in July). The very best result of increased commitment to being productive and busy? A new job!
Another part time one unfortunately, but this is one that I could very realistically progress to a full-time position. In a bank. The pay is good. The hours are enough that I will get benifits. Training starts the end of this month and I'm so excited! The training will be full time, so my retail job will be going on the back burner - which is fine by me! As much as I like it, there's really nothing in it for me at that job. It's a dead end, as enjoyable as it may be at times.
Anyhow, you're not interested in that! You're interested in this:

My bunny! Made on my new mini sewing machine, with a pattern from this blog

The bear (Fred) and her superman pjs are from Build-A-Bear Workshop, the hat and the sweater are knit by me!
Fred's bunny hat was knit a while ago (I couldn't bear -haha - to part with it), and the sweater is new. The sweater was adapted from a smaller pattern offered by WeeWondefuls (the blog also linked to above for the bunny pattern). I haven't put the rest of the buttons on the front yet.. I'm kinda diggin' this one-button look.
If anyone wants to know my changes for a Build-a-Bear sized sweater (one size should fit all their stuffed animals), ask me in the comments and I'll get back to you.
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