Still late on the posting front...
Will I never get the hang of regular updates?
Here's some pictures I took at the CNE:

A suspicious looking cow outside the Farm, Food, and Fun building

An odd couple walking around. The big bird stole a little girl's hat, and taunted her by holding it just out of her reach as she jumped for it. The bird only reluctantly gave it back to the woman who was travelling with him.

An amazing sand sculpture in the Farm building. I couldn't believe the detail, and whatever angle you looked at it, there was something new and charming to see. This was my favorite side.
In the building at the CNE with the stables and horses, they did a little lasso and trick riding show. At first my wheel-chair bound love and I didn't see any way we could watch the show over the high barriers surrounding it. Then we noticed a special ramped platform just for wheelchairs! It was in a perfect spot, there was room for quite a few wheelchairs. Unfortunately, a lot of people had ignored the "Wheelchairs Only" sign at the bottom of the ramp and filled the platform and ramp leading up to it. People were very rude as we excused ourselves and firmly made our way to a spot on the platform. In the end we watched the show and enjoyed it. I'm very glad that the CNE was considerate enough to provide the seating, I just wish they maybe had someone around to enforce it a little... The people standing on the ramp were SO rude, like how DARE we try and get to somewhere we can SEE the show in a spot SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED for people who couldn't see it from any other vantage point?
I finished knitting my superhero socks while waiting for the moving truck to arrive at my mom's new house. They're an awsome pair of socks!
I've started knitting a scarf for one of my friends for Christmas, one who I didn't know very well that crazy Christmas where I knit EVERYONE scarves. I'm using this pattern, and think it looks ok so far! There's not much done... tomorrow will be my first day off work in about 8 days straight, so I haven't had a lot of knitting time.
My birthday was yesterday. I worked a late shift that ended around 10, so I didn't do much... that's ok. The day before my birthday my mom came to visit and took me out for dinner and that sort of thing. It was a lot of fun.
I'm so tired, I wish today was my day off, but alas, 4-9:30 tonight! At least I got to sleep in this morning (I never thought I'd ever be calling 8:30am "sleeping in")!
Happy belated birthday.
I also dug the sand sculpure at the CNE. My favourite was the face of the pie woman - grandma perhaps?
11:46 PM
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