My insatiable desire to knit project upon project must mean that somewhere out there is a very, very Scared Sheep (or really any fibre-for-yarn giving creature/plant). This blog is mainly about knitting, and a sprinkling of my various adventures in life.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Oh work

Well, good news - the construction above me (which was actually TWO floors above me, not RIGHT OVER MY HEAD as I originally suspected) is now happening in regular hours, and only seems to be intermittent hammering, no crazy power tools. Awsome!

A friend of mine was in Toronto today and we met up for lunch. I wish she could've stayed longer, we had a good time. I'm glad she called me up!

Work called this afternoon. Filled with dread that they would be cancelling my evening shift today, I asked what they wanted... do I want to do an extra shift in the stock room? Sure! 7AM - 3:30PM... ok! Thanks! Bye.

7AM? Shoot. That's early. It's ok. I need the money, work is just down the street, I can make it alright if I sleep in until 6AM.

Oh boy.


Blogger Yvette said...

Hi you...I have found your secret blog.

8:23 PM


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