A long post...
I feel like I've been a very lazy blogger... I have the best intentions when it comes to updating regularly, honest! Everything else just seems to get in the way.
In the past month, I finished my frostbite mittens (named because I ran out of blue partway through the second mitt and switched to black... I think they look ok):

I finished my first "super hero sock" (named for the bright colours):

Check out the little rainbow at the heel:

The second sock is partway done... just about to turn the heel. No pictures of it.
I had to mail a couple letters (one was a birthday card for my Dad, yay Dad!) near the beginning of the month, and look at the neat stamps I bought:

They're just regular old canadian stamps, but very pretty and HUGE. That loonie is in there for scale. I thought it was approprite to include!
A note to my neighbour: Please, PLEASE! On a saturday morning.... just please refrain from pulling out your power tools and/or hammer until after 10am. 8:30am is just not cool.
A note to customers of the store where I work: In an EXPENSIVE store, do not expect a "sale" to mean rock bottom prices. They might become resonable prices, at best.
And to avoid the end of this post being a little negative.... LOOK! Cute guinea pigs!

Ginger and Lulu, very clearly being bribed into a little photo shoot.
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