Hideous Tank in Full Glory
So here's a pic of me wearing the hideous tank. It's a bit blurry... I used to turn my nose up at blurry pictures (c'mon, is it that hard to focus)... but I've found out I'm a lazy blogger... Stuff that's worth doing is worth doing well... *sigh* this blog is killin' me!

It's a very warm tank top. Knit in an obnoxiously pink acrylic. Yarn snobs are staring, wide-eyed with horror. It'll be cozy in fall/winter. On laundry days, when I have nothing else to wear. I'm almost sad it's such a perfect fit. Oh well, now I know sizing for the next project!
Also working on Jim's scarf. And thinking about those poor neglected "socks".
I'm going to be finished at work this friday, that's exciting! And I have a driving test tomorrow so (hopefully) I can finally move up to the next stage of my license, woo!
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