Hooray for Visiting! And the Hideous Tank Top.
My mom and my Aunt and my cousin Erin came to visit me for a couple days. It was lots of fun, I took time off work and we spent a lot of time at the beach. My mom, boyfriend, and I took a local boat cruise one morning and it was a good time. My mom and the boyfriend's parents seemed to get along well. Good times. We'll all meet again in a couple weeks at Ikea, when everyone helps me and the boyfriend shop for the Apartment (Did I mention, we have a new apartment? It's all ours on Aug. 15, my first place!) I hope his parents don't get too carried away - they're being very generous and it seems the list of things they want to buy for us keeps getting longer!
My poor sock has done plenty of traveling but I've only gotten so far as casting on. Knitting in motion brings about the motion sickness *sigh*. So it's now been on a 5-hour bus trip. And a 3 hour trip to Toronto (plus another 3 hours on the way home). It's kinda sad.
The Hideous Tank Top is nearly done. Just need sew it together. I'll post pictures. Trust me, it's pretty far beyond ugly. PJ shirt it is. Aside from the blog, I doubt this tank will ever make a public appearance.
***UPDATE: Pictures of Hideous Tank
It's two pieces sandwiched together (I'm going to have to pull out the seam and redo it though, they didn't quite line up properly.. I should've blocked it better and such). This ugly thing is the first top I've knit, and I'm kind of sad it fits so perfectly... it's so ugly... The pink is soooo much hotter then it looks in the picture... lol - maybe I can convince myself it's "punk" somehow - which is trendy... and that pink and black are In. Which they are... but should they be?

it screams "wear me!"
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