Dog Sweater!
*****updated to include PHOTO! WOW******
I've been working pretty solidly on Jim's scarf... when I get the chance. However, this weekend I set it aside so I could whip up a doggie sweater for the boyfriend's sister's pooch. It's a cute little chiwawa, and the sister's only request when I let her know of my plans was, "something girly." Oh, it's girly alright. I dunno if the sister's fiance was too keen on the blinding hot pink, but he did like the purple. It turned out pretty good for my first stab at such a thing. I had to make the pattern smaller, and it fits perfectly! One sleeve is a little shorter then the other, but that was really the only problem I had with the thing. Cool!
Might go to a crafter's convention thing this weekend. It will have knitting content.

Not bad, eh? Shoulda picked up another stich in the arm there... I see a hole... Next time will be even better!
Hope I can drag myself out of the blue funk I'm in and start to enjoy school again... It's been hanging on for quite a while, and these past couple of weeks have made me almost unbearably miserable at times... and my poor boyfriend puts up with everything, much more then he should maybe! But I am definitly thankful for him, and his support. I think right now I don't have much faith in some of my classes... the organization is awful - and this program is damned expensive! I wish I could see it was all worth it, but right now...
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