My insatiable desire to knit project upon project must mean that somewhere out there is a very, very Scared Sheep (or really any fibre-for-yarn giving creature/plant). This blog is mainly about knitting, and a sprinkling of my various adventures in life.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Yeah, that's right. I'm working on Jim's scarf again... I don't know why this silly scarf is taking me so long... probably because it's not the most interesting project ever. At least now it feels like it's moving faster, I'm about 1/3rd of the way done. I knit it for almost an entire class today (3 hours... gosh now that I think of it, that's a long time... I guess I was talking a lot though, and stopping to take notes, and watch the films that we were analyzing... I don't think I'm really that slow - is that slow?) How long does it take you to knit a scarf? I'm using 5mm straights, and putting a stripe up the middle.


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