My insatiable desire to knit project upon project must mean that somewhere out there is a very, very Scared Sheep (or really any fibre-for-yarn giving creature/plant). This blog is mainly about knitting, and a sprinkling of my various adventures in life.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Late for Easter...?

... Yet fashionably late... right?

This guy is a little something I've been working on lately. I used a free pattern from Jess Hutch. It didn't turn out too badly, especially for my first time really using dpns. I plan on making another, brown one, and giving both away as gifts.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Keeping up low spirits

I had a fantastic weekend! Friday I met up with a bunch of knitters at a pub right near my house. I sat next to some lovely women who were very friendly. I really felt welcome. Not to bash the other knitting group I met with, ages ago, but this one is one I will be returning to!

Then, Saturday, I participated in the TTC Knit-A-long. I'm so glad I did! I didn't buy any yarn (in fact, I won a prize for "showing the most restraint"), but I had a fantastic time. I laughed more then I have in a long time. I need to be more social, more regularly! There was one disaster early on in the day though. As we were getting off the subway, one woman's yarn trailed behind. Someone pulled it in an attempt to rescue it as the subway doors were closing, and the yarn plummeted down the gap between the train and the platform! 15 women screamed! The poor driver (we had been in the front car) probably thought someone had dropped their child. The knitter was forced to cut the yarn. As the train roared away, 15 women leaned over the platform....

disaster at the TTC Knit-Along

The TTC collector had a good laugh when we described our problem, and sent someone to retrieve the yarn for us. Unfortunately by the time the retriever came (grumpy at first, but quickly put at ease by everyone's joking and lighthearted-ness), the yarn had been blown along by more passing trains, and had come to rest in a big old puddle of subway sludge. The knitter cut her losses (it was just wool, nothing expensive), we thanked the TTC folks involved, and we carried on our way.

Ooh... I also won two balls of sock yarn for completing the first finished object, a dishcloth I had cast-on that morning as we were all meeting up.