My insatiable desire to knit project upon project must mean that somewhere out there is a very, very Scared Sheep (or really any fibre-for-yarn giving creature/plant). This blog is mainly about knitting, and a sprinkling of my various adventures in life.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Back From Holidays

Well, back from my visit to the countryside. Took a bus out to visit my folks for Christmas. It was a decent enough visit, though I wish I could've spent more time with my mom. Between her having to work, and all the Christmas preparations (mom was hosting the family dinner this year) it didn't seem like a whole lot of time.

Not much family was able to show up to the party in the end, but some did. I enjoyed myself and I hope everyone else did! Unfortunately Erika wasn't there, so I couldn't give her the present I had for her (our family draws names, so she's the one I had), so I don't know whether it will really be appreciated or not. I hope so!

After much worry we wouldn't be able to, we did manage to visit my boyfriend's family for a few days as well. Holiday travelling is the one time I really feel the lack of a car!

Didn't manage to finish the besotted scarf for my mom's birthday in time. It's tomorrow, and her scarf is here with me... so close to being finished. I ran out of yarn and hope I can get the same dyelot. It's silly, I'll use so little of the new ball... but the scarf won't look right without it... I'll need to find another project.

So... back in the city, back to looking for a co-op.
And feeling sad about the recent shooting. I hope my mom hasn't seen it on the news (though how could she not? It seems to have become quite an issue) because she'll worry about me. I feel so awful for the girl's family and friends. It's really weird walking down the hallways of a school after suddenly loosing someone who should be there.
Here's wishing everyone the best in the coming New Year! (Gosh, I'm aiming to post again before then!)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

It's beginning to feel like Christmas!

I'm slowly getting into the Christmas spirit. We've gotten some pretty flippin' cold and snowy weather lately... which I love (at least for short jaunts in the outdoors, and looking out windows). Finally set up a little Christmas tree a couple days ago:
It's a little tinsel tree (a sort of more-green-then-blue teal colour), with a little string of lights and a couple ornaments my mom sent me. And we've also put up a little string of lights on our balcony. I need to get one more present for my boyfriend, and then shopping will be done. We're going to exchange presents either today or tomorrow (we're leaving to spend christmas with my parents and it seems silly to cart the gifts for each other all the way there - on the bus - and then all the way back again) so I need to get on that.
While I'm out today I do believe I'll try and pick up a cookie cutter and ingredients for ginger bread men.
I think the only thing standing in the way of a carefree christmas spirit is my lack of co-op. Whatever my problem is, I'm having trouble looking. I'm supposed to have it for January... at this rate I'll likely get it late and have to try and get a butt-load of overtime so I can get the hours I need by the date marks need to be in. I can do it. I think.
Merry Early Christmas!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Let's Make Movies... and Christmas is coming

Ok... super long post, GO!
First off, I've been working on these little Bath Kits for various people on my Christmas (and Hanukkah) lists.

Bath Kit Present

That blob in the centre of the mitt is a Mr. Butterball bath bomb from here. They look cute, and the reviews are good... maybe I'll have to treat myself to one sometime! Oh, and my experiences with their staff have been EXCELLENT! They're very helpful and knowledgeable about their products and can make good recommendations.
Here's a better look at the mitt:

Bath Mitt

I added a little loop for hanging it after I took this photo, too. So most my gifts are wrapped and ready to go. Every year there's more and more people to buy/craft for! One more little gift to get.

And as I promised, here's a picture from set (my job was continuity, so most my pictures were rather boring shots of knick knacks on shelves, piles of boxes, the actors/actress' makeup, and other things that would have to look the same in every shot)

Let's Make Movies

This picture is from behind the camera, so you can see all the lights setup. The two people mainly in the shot are our DP(cinimatographer/director of photography)/camera operator, and AD (assistant director).

One more day of classes until school's done. And I still don't have a co-op for January. I'm so stressed out you have no idea! And our phone isn't working... Bell's on their way to check out the line... anxiety builds.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Woosh! Been on set a whole lot lately. Between that and regular homework I haven't had much of a life. Yesterday was a day of frantic gift shoppiing/wrapping/making. I'm almost done! A few little things to knit (each should only take a couple hours tops), and I need to figure out a present for my dad... but other then that....!
Gonna have some great shots from the set and some great shots of knitting soon!