My insatiable desire to knit project upon project must mean that somewhere out there is a very, very Scared Sheep (or really any fibre-for-yarn giving creature/plant). This blog is mainly about knitting, and a sprinkling of my various adventures in life.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I liked studenting....

.... better then working.

There's a lot of work to do at work (co-op, field placement, internship, whatever you wanna call it). And it's only very loosely related to what I actually want to do (very very loosely related. When I'm being optimistic.)

I have a soft spot for student films, since after all, I make them. One that incorporates knitting in a big way is very special to me ( I had nothing to do with it, I just happened across a link in another knitters blog. I'd credit them with the find, but I can't remember who it was). I left my computer on for a week so I wouldn't close this window, before I could post a link.

My boyfriend asked.... "why didn't you bookmark it?"

Fah..... what does he know....

Monday, January 23, 2006

Knit like a Jedi Knight!

Oooooh yeah:

light up knitting needles

That's pretty neat. I likely won't be getting any on my tight student budget... but they're still neat looking.

By the way... they're the only knitting accessory that my boyfriend has actually agreed with me, yes, they're cool.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

From One Extreme to the Other

Boy oh boy! I went from wallowing around all day at my apartment and doing whatever errands I had to do whenever I want, to working 5 days a week. Solid, barely-lunchtime working. It's taken some getting used to, but on this, my third day, I'm feeling a little more comfortable and looking forward more to new challenges.

Also feeling very sore and exhausted from all the running around downtown (dropping things off, picking things up - for work) and physical stuff (packing files, lugging garbage bags) I have to do at work. Methinks I'm a little out of shape. By the time I get home at the end of the day, I just wanna veg out. But there's still dinner to make, groceries, laundry, schoolwork (yes, teachers gave us projects for this co-op semester), family issues that need attention, other industry contacts to milk (which is hard, since now I'm working during the same hours they are, and therefore can't call people while they're at work... because duh, I am too), keeping in touch with friends.... it seems like so much. But people do this everyday. I can handle it.

And here's a new personal little challenge to keep me on my toes.... I think I want to join the Knitting Olympics. The link'll give you more info, but basically you choose a challenging (to you) project, and knit it during the winter olympics (cast on during opening ceremony - Feb. 10 - and be finished, including blocking, when the flame goes out, Feb. 26). I just need to choose a project. As silly as it may sound, I think I might try socks. I've never done them, been wanting to do them, and have only had brief flirtations with double-pointed needles.

I'll search for a pattern and muse over this a little more.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Two posts, one day!

Will miracles never cease?

In a space of four hours, I went to never having heard of --not saying the name, I dunno why.... all my 0 readers might hunt me down-- (and having a phone, with them on the other end, thrust into my hands) to being "employed" by them. I put employed in quotes because I'm not sure if being an intern counts as genuine employment, but I can still taste sweet victory. It looks to be more of an office PA job, which I was trying to avoid, but it looks fun, and high energy, and hectic. If I hate it, it looks like I'll be kept busy enough that time will at least go by quickly (but I really doubt I'll hate it!). Holy Crap. I start tomorrow morning.

Full time, monday to friday co-op (unpaid, as per my program's guidlines). My weekends will be free for working a paying part time job (now that I have a co-op, I can look for one of them). The necessary part time job will help stem my rapidly depleting funds, and keep me living in my apartment.

Looks like much less knitting time in my future. Geeze, I never thought I missed my 45 minute commute to school! (I know, 45 minutes is not a big commute, and I'm really not complaining about it, I didn't mind it horribly).

Oh! And on another note: two different security people in my building have now asked if my boyfriend is my brother. What's up with that??? Guys in wheelchairs don't have girlfriends? Maybe we ought to start making out in the lobby or something. And when I smiled sweetly and responded that no, he's my boyfriend, the security guy called me a "very special lady". I know he was being nice (and nosy), but that didn't sit well with me. I just kinda giggled and blushed and made my awkward exit, hoping the elevator would come quickly and whisk me away to my little home. And my hot boyfriend, to tell him about my co-op.

I better be careful. People might start thinking I'm a grown-up or something. Uh-huh.

As I Wait For My Train

I have about 20 minutes to kill before I leave home to catch my train, so I thought I'd do a little post. Uh-oh, gonna meet with the co-op teacher today. Outlook not so good. Hopefully my head is still attached to my neck by the time I leave her office.

This seems like a much better strategy then the typical make-all-my-resolutions-at-once thing. It explains how creating one new good habit a month is much better then trying to start up all kinds of new habits the day after New Years. Easy to keep track of, and by the end of the year, 12 New Habits.

And, did you know Toronto is a Knitting Capital?

So... 15 minutes til train time. I think I'll go work on that baby sweater.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

On Set!

Check this out:

My first non-student shoot!

This weekend I got invited to script supervise for the pilot episode of a kid's show! I'm not sure how much I can say about the show itself, but I'm bursting to share my experience!

First off, wow, they really only touched on what a script supervisor does while I was in school. There's a lot of paperwork, and you've really got to pay attention to everything. That said, I got to sit in a chair next to the director! I got to have my nose in everything! Everyone was super friendly and helpful! I was so scared when I arrived saturday morning, but long before lunch, I felt pretty comfortable.

This particular episode will only, as far as I understand, be used for pitching. It's a not-for-broadcast episode that will never see t.v. *sigh* But it was a ton of fun, and SUCH a huge confidence booster. Everyone seemed to think I did a good job - I certainly feel like I did one. I still don't have a co-op, but a lot of people have said they'll put a good word in with so-and-so. Maybe something will come of it.

I'm frustraited with my co-op teacher. I guess she's trying her hardest (which is admittedly harder then I've been trying), but the latest job offer she sent me was a computer tech support thing. It didn't really have anything to do with film or television, aside from the company that was hiring. She keeps coming up with offers of office PA things. I just feel kinda swindled or something... why did I pay soooo much money for film school if I'm going to end up being a secretary or receptionist? Oh well, at this point I guess I need to just take whatever comes along so I can be finished my co-op hours in time to graduate and get my silly diploma.

That's sad. You know what's happy though?

I've gotten a good way into a baby sweater for a cousin of mine who's expecting. The baby's due in February (the 14th in fact!), and at this rate, the sweater will be done no problem. Another cousin of mine is also expecting (it's baby time!), and I can't remember when they're due... march I think, so I'll have to get started another sweater soon. Also on the baby front, a highschool friend is expecting and I want to make this chicken viking hat. Sure, I wasn't super close with her in highschool, and barely talk with her now, but who can pass up an opportunity to knit this? Especially when you know the recipient will dig it.

Ok, time to play with some code and fix the sudden ugliness of my blog!
***Update: Maybe fixed... sometimes I look at it it's fine, other times my text is all strangely centered and the bar on the right is stretched out.... I think it's fixed though *fingers crossed*

Thursday, January 05, 2006

If I wasn't trying to make dinner right now....

... I'd try and figure out why my blog is looking decidedly ugly when it loads.

I visited the set of Puppets Who Kill today.

This weekend I'm going to be doing continuity for a pilot episode of a kids show. I'll be working (unpaid) with professionals. Holy Freakin Crap. I will be spending tomorrow going over every single note on continuity I ever took in school.
Talk about being thrown in the deep end and being told to swim!

I'm so excited!

Oh yeah, also finished my mom's birthday scarf - the besotted scarf. Only a few days late for her birthday. Hopefully she'll be visiting soon.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wrapping up 2005

Well, we're a few days into the new year now. No magical transition to a fresh new life. But that's ok. My old one may need a little mending, but it suits me just fine. And I admit, I have already been presented with some interesting possible job-related opportunities (more on this when I'm more sure of things - after rambling semi-coherently to my mom about it, I'm reluctant to share with the world for fear of jinxing things).

So here! To distract all of my 0 readers (oh I know... I have a webcounter now... this blog is about as unread as a diary at the moment) from wondering what the excitement is about - LOOK! COOKIES!

yummy gingerbread

Baked these up in Toronto just before packing up and heading to my mom's for Christmas. Iced them up there with the help of my boyfriend and my very best old highschool friend. My first attempt at gingerbread was fairly successful I'd say! (Man, that's some sticky batter though)

And here, just to boast:

Average sized Godzilla DVD for scale

That would be allllll my christmas (AND boyfriend's hanukah) decorations packed up together in one tiny little cardboard box, +little tree beside. I'm sure one day I'll look back on this and laugh, longingly.

(ps... something weird is happening at the moment with my sidebar... I haven't been fiddling with the code lately, so I'm just going to ignor it and hope blogger is up to something, and it's back to normal soon)

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

And it's off to a rough start. Not horribly rough really, but old habits die hard. I'm still working to get out of the funk I was in at the end of 2005. I've made some progress though. I'm clinging to the idea that once I have my co-op, my life will be perfect... sort of with that same conviction of a kid who just knows that a certain expensive, althete-endorsed pair of skates would improve their entire hockey game, and life. Oh, it will though, it will.

A bit of a setback... my emails to a certain company seem to have the wrong address and were sent back to me. I guess I shall have to wait for the co-op teacher to be back from holiday to give me the right address. *sigh* But at least I was trying to sort things out!

Almost done mom's b-day scarf... so close.... it's exciting!

Going to visit my dad this weekend and realized that while I've got the rest of the little bath kit ready for my step-mom's present, the key feature - the bath mitt - has yet to be knitted! Whoops! It'll only take an evening to finish though, and I still have plenty of yarn for it.

That is all. I leave you with a picture from my trip to visit a friend in Ottawa this past summer. Post office lion:
