My insatiable desire to knit project upon project must mean that somewhere out there is a very, very Scared Sheep (or really any fibre-for-yarn giving creature/plant). This blog is mainly about knitting, and a sprinkling of my various adventures in life.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

And more on a Wednesday

Today at the bank a woman - didn't look that much older then me - came in for some US cash. As I waited for my co-worker to get some more US from lock up, I chatted with the woman. She was going to Vegas, for work. They were sending her to a film festival. She told me how much she loves her unpredictable, crazy film industry job and laughs that she could never stand "this sort of thing", meaning my regular steady bank job.
I smile politely and count her money for her before wishing her a good day, good luck and fun in Las Vegas. She heads out the doors into the sun.

I want to shout after her, "This isn't me either!"

Instead I say, "I can help the next person, please."

Everything on Friday

This Friday looks like a big day! I really want to participate in all this Yarn Harlot-y activity, but there are family things to be done. Boyfriend's grandparents want us over for dinner. And later, I have to head out to Oshawa for my own family's yard sale extravagenza this weekend. If I can't arrange to leave the grandparent dinner in time to catch a train for Oshawa (that will arrive at a reasonable enough hour that people will pick me up from the station), then I'll have to skip it... which will mean I can maybe catch some of the Harlot-y Indigo action. Which would be sweet.

All this assuming I don't get my "on call" at that retail job. If I do, then I won't be able to do anything, and will in fact not be able to go to Oshawa until saturday... which would mean getting up at some unspeakable hour to be there in time to help set up - the plan is for the sale to be ready to go for 8am. Oi!

Oh, did I mention? This friday is the last possible shift at the retail job. I gave notice earlier this month. I may already be done, if I don't get that on call!

Friday, May 04, 2007

I promised photos this week - and I'm actually delivering!

Here we have it:
The scotty dog stuffie I made the Boyfriend for Valentines
I think the pattern was from either this blog or this one but now I can't seem to find it. If you know, please remind me so I can post a proper link! This weekend we may be dog sitting the real thing - the Boyfriend's parent's scotty, Cleo. Lookout guinea pigs!

Does this little piggie look like she has a care in the world?
Lulu, sprawled out as she wakes up from a nap. After all the fancy houses we've bought our piggies, would you believe this is their favorite?

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Getting ready for a long day of work, both job#1 and #2. I have decided against bathing... which I may regret around noon... but that's how we roll here. Dammit, why can't I have a job that lets me show up looking like some punky teenager? Dressing up is crap.
Ok, maybe I'll shower. MAYBE.

Job#2 is soo getting my notice soon (Job#2 being "old job" - the one with the crappy pay, crappy hours, and no benifits).

I've been knitting lately - Fetching wristwarmer dealies from Knitty (too lazy to link - doesn't everybody know this pattern by now anyways?) I finished them and realized that the second one, the one I knit without the pattern, is an inch shorter then the first one. Guess I'll be knitting a third soon. Also, at the opening for my fingers, I knit ribbing after the cable row and cast off normally. Looks like that will prevent the curling I see in some photos quite nicely.

Also knitting a hat. Yay! Too bad I won't be able to wear it for months and months (actually, not too bad - bring on the summer!)