The only thing slow lately is my blog...
Wow! Pretty much a postless month! I tell you though, I've been a busy little intern...
First off, not intern related:

Valentine's roses from my wonderful boyfriend!
I will never stop being thrilled with roses - or any flowers really. These were georgeous... I wish they'd last longer! I kept some of the petals, so they'll dry out and be added to a little box of keepsakes.
And now to my super-business.
In the last week I've been on set of two music videos and a commercial. I was a PA on both videos, and just a visitor on the commercial. Since I signed a confidentiality thing at work and I don't want to risk rocking the boat (I'm very square), I'll refrain from mentioning the names of the bands/videos/product until they're on the air.
This is my favorite prop from one of the videos, they're supposed to be the hearts that were removed from a couple in love. It's not supposed to be grusome though - they're meant to look almost like little cakes! I was mostly lending a hand to the art department, there's a lot of work that goes into it that I never even realized. Those props don't magically appear out of nowhere!

Hearts on a platter!
The second music video shot on thursday in an abandoned recycling-type plant thing. It was a really neat old building. It was a super cold, dirty, long day. I also go to be an extra in this video because not enough people showed up. We made due, and I think the video will look great!

The paint was peeling off the walls in the basement in sheets!
I'm still sore from that one, and awake to write this post by sheer force of will.
The commercial this afternoon was also an awsome experience. I couldn't choose a picture... it was in a neat old theatre type building. Clearly still used and very loved, it was a beautiful place. It's so different being on set of a commercial vs. music video. You can feel the difference in budget! The commercial certainly felt more organized and a bit more laid back. They got the money!
In knitting news... I finished a baby sweater, but am just realizing right now that I didn't take a picture before sending it off! The baby was born the day before Valentines, and I figured sending it off ASAP was a must! It was the same pattern as this one, only a smaller size.
Also knitted myself some mittens with some yarn I recieved for christmas. I'll post a pictre of them soon... right now they're drying from a washing. They smell like pidgeon poo. From being on set of the second music video. Yeah. Film is glamorous.