Valentine's Day has never been a huge thing in my family. It's also been a holiday to celebrate
everyone you love - friends, family... not just your "romantic" interest. Usually it's marked with an exchange of cards and silly Valentine candy.
I sent cards to some friends and my mom and grandparents. I also sewed up a quick bunny (like the one earlier this month) with a heart on the tummy for my mom (sorry, no pic, I'll snap one next time I visit her).
The Boyfriend, on the other hand, tends to pull out all the traditional stops - dinner, flowers, candy, presents... Which is delightful, but I end up feeling guilty for not going as all out for him too.
This year I thought I did pretty good. Two of his favorite chocolate bars, a tin of expensive espresso coffee he's wanted to try, a handmade scottie-dog plushie (picture to come later), and a handmade card. Oooo, I also baked these:
Molton Chocolate cake... actually I made it into cupcakes and cooked it longer/lower temp. so we had very rich - but not gooey - cupcakes. Also... I used my "connections" to get this expires-in-march package for $6, instead of the regular $36. Sooo good... but my budgeting would never allow for buying it full price - dude, it's cake mixWe were going to go to a movie, but the Boyfriend was sick so we stayed in instead. He surprised me by getting me a used game cube and game I wanted. Woah! I was thinking about getting one when I start my new job, but then was starting to wavier in favour of waiting until my birthday in September. The Boyfriend admits he goes all out for Valentine's... but defends himself saying it's the last occasion he has to give me a gift before my birthday... which is suuuuch a long way away!
So, my Old Job messed up my availability... thought I was starting New Job this week... so I had the week off. Tuesday and Wednesday were sooo nice out I did a lot of walking. I'm really aching for spring, so yesterday I stopped by Allan Gardens for a bit:

I woke up this morning to a
Labels: Allan Gardens, Baking, Valentines