I'm really trying to keep updating regularly - honest! I've been busy with work, and trying to find more (clearly, a part-time job cannot sustain a person for long... must find either a second part-time, or replacement full-time job to pick up some slack). Also busy with trying to get all some dental stuff done before my super-cool insurance coverage is up. Finally, busy with knitting!

A man-sized pair of black mittensA little gift all ready for Christmas! And in the spirit of striking while the iron is hot:

up to the thumb on another pair of man-sized mittensI really like this mitten pattern. It's really quick. Each mitten is knit flat on straight needles, and once they're cast-off, you just fold the mitten over, and seam up the one side. I imagine it would be really easy to line mittens like this with some warm flanel or something - just sandwich the lining inbetween and do a little extra sewing.

mmm, I'm liking these close-upsFinally, a dishcloth that is another sort of present in reserve. I know who it will be for, I'm just not sure when I'll gift it, and what will go with it. I knit a lot of discloths... they're fun and functional, and it's good for the environment. Previously, I'd just use j-clothes and throw them out when they got gross. This way, dishcloths get washed and reused. They're knit with Lily Sugar and Creme cotton (bought on sale at Lewiscraft), they're durable, the colours don't run (though they do fade a little with a lot of use), and they're great for gently scubbing dishes!
On another note, I'm really going to miss Lewiscraft. I have a lot of memories of popping into them at the mall near my dads. They were there for me with inexpensive yarn when I was just starting to knit (and after that, when I was doing projects that didn't require anything too fancy). There was a Lewiscraft underground near my apartment when I first moved to Toronto (still not quite closed as of a day or two ago), and even though I've visited a lot of really great yarn shops in Toronto.... Lewiscraft was just so convieniently close and familiar. Maybe another little chain of craft store will pop up and fill Lewiscraft's place, and reach the market that Lewiscraft couldn't quite hold on to.